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Revive Primary Care

Making exceptional primary care accessible wherever you are - that's our standard.

Your Health, Your Choice

Experience healthcare on your terms. With ongoing care from the same doctor, you get personalized treatment from someone who truly knows you, your history, and your health goals.  

So Fast, So Reliable

Don't wait weeks for an appointment with your doctor. Schedule a consult within 1–3 days and quickly get the care you need.

Personalized Care, Designed for Your Lifestyle

Healthcare should fit into your life, not the other way around. With personalized care, you get expert guidance, referrals, and prescriptions—all without leaving your home.

Nationwide Coverage, No Boundaries

Quality care is always within reach. With nationwide coverage, you can access expert care, no matter where you are, at a time that suits you.

Secure and Confidential

Your health information should stay between you and your doctor. That's why we ensure your data is secure, confidential and always protected.

Proactive and Preventative

Optimize your health with an Annual Wellness Check. Get a detailed exam and receive tailored health strategies to keep you thriving.


At Revive, we're always looking to reimagine the next chapter in how healthcare technology and innovation intersects with everyday life.

We're turning the page to a concerning statistic: nearly 100 million people across the U.S. lack access to a primary care provider (PCP). This isn't just a gap; it's a chasm that needs bridging.

In an era where value-based care is becoming a cornerstone of healthcare, the role of primary care has never been more pivotal. It's about more than just treatment; it's about comprehensive empowerment of self-care of a person's health and wellness.

We believe that technology can play a crucial part in this by connecting people with the care they need when they need it. This is more than a goal—it's a commitment to healthier lives, empowered by our audacious vision - reinventing healthcare.

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